
Front-end Developer Resume

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  • Over 7years of experience in developing web pages and user interfaces using HTML4/5, CSS/CSS3, BOOTSTRAP, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, ANGULAR JS, REACT JS, IONIC, CORDOVA, JAVA SPRINGS, AJAX and MONGODB.
  • Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS to render the dynamic web pages.
  • Proficient in Technologies such as C, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, Bootstrap, AJAX and XML.
  • 熟练使用CSS背景, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, CSS table, Pseudo and CSS behaviours in CSS.
  • 熟悉各种IDE: notepad++, Eclipse, Sublime text 3, Visual Studio.
  • Thorough With developing JSP (Java Server Pages) for web applications and debugging and troubleshooting existing code.
  • 熟悉文档对象模型(DOM)和DOM函数.
  • 擅长使用HTML和Java Script进行客户端设计和验证.
  • Experience with Apache Cordova and built mobile apps for various mobile platforms with one unique code base, 并使用web技术(HTML5)开发应用程序, JavaScript and CSS3) instead of relying on platform - specific (native) APIs like those of Android, iOS, or Windows Phone.
  • Good exposure to Ionic Framework which is a set of CSS classes and a library of JavaScript directives and modules, built on top ofCordova, with AngularJS.
  • Experience with Firebug for Mozilla and IE Developer Toolbar for Internet Explorer.
  • 使用AngularJS编码和设计开放式业务需求的解决方案 & ngModules.
  • 使用Bootstrap的模板进行Web响应的实践经验.
  • 具有使用映射应用程序的JSON数据模型的经验, 并且具有动态模式,可以让您在mongodb的帮助下快速迭代.
  • Made a Java method execute in a database transaction without having to deal with transaction APIs.
  • Made a local Java method a remote procedure without having to deal with remote APIs.
  • Made a local Java method a management operation without having to deal with JMX APIs.
  • 使本地Java方法成为消息处理程序,而不必处理JMS api.
  • Experience on Client-side scripting and DOM manipulation with core JavaScript and JQuery.
  • Extensive experience in visualization, creating visual designs, product logos, developing high quality of work, maintaining team, and design reviews, 处理整个项目的生命周期.
  • Experience on developing latest version of Object Oriented JavaScript Libraries like AngularJs and ReactJs.
  • Good Experience using Bootstrap for Responsive Web Design (RWD) and CSS media Queries.
  • 在SEO(搜索引擎优化)和渐进增强方面有丰富的经验.
  • Experience applying the latest development approaches including MVC framework in the browser, event-driven applications using AJAX, Object Oriented (OO) JavaScript, JSON and XML.
  • 适用于开发web应用程序的模型-视图-控制器(MVC)框架.
  • 熟练使用MS工具(Word, Excel, PPT).
  • 有使用不同浏览器(如Safari)的经验, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.
  • 出色的问题解决、调试和故障排除能力.
  • 熟悉Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Visual Studio和Word Press.
  • Ability to write clear, well-documented, well-commented and efficient code for web development.


Web Technologies: HTML5/4, XHTML, CSS, CSS3/2, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, react JS, Bootstrap, Sass, AJAX, JSON, XML, Ionic, Cordova, Java Springs and mongoDB.

Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, Java Springs.

Designing Tools: Adobe Photoshop, CSS, CSS2, CSS3, Dreamweaver, Word Press.

Debugging Tools: 谷歌Chrome网页调试器,Firebug和Firebug Lite.

Operating Systems: Windows 10/8/7/vista/2000, OSX.

JavaScript Libraries: JQuery.

CSS Libraries: Bootstrap.

JAVA Framework: Java Spring.

Web Servers: HTTP Web server, Apache Tomcat.

IDE: Eclipse, Sublime Text 3, notepad++, Word Press和Visual Studio.


Confidential, Seattle, Washington

UI Web Developer


  • 使用HTML5设计和开发网站, CSS 3, Bootstrap, 基于W3C标准和Web 2.0的Ajax和JQuery.0.
  • Involved in making Responsive Web Designs using Media Queries and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • 使用JavaScript, JQuery, CSS3和HTML5创建用户界面.
  • 广泛使用JavaScript为用户界面提供功能.
  • 熟悉JQuery, Angular Js, reactJS和Bootstrap.
  • 使用HTML5, CSS3和JSON开发应用程序.
  • Worked with technologies like JQuery and Ajax to make more attractive and easy to use website.
  • 使用adobeillustrator定义网站布局和开发线框.
  • Created design mock-ups and wireframes using MS PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop CS4 and DreamweaverCS3.
  • Developed an order processing system primarily using HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap and React JS.
  • Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers like Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • 使用JQuery实现和测试业务应用程序.
  • 使用Adobe Photoshop设计网站模型,导航按钮等.
  • Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
  • 使用Firebug等浏览器工具调试代码.
  • Experience use GIT version control.
  • Used several JQuery plug-ins to build Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make it look more intuitive.
  • Developed DAOs (Data Access Objects) and SQL queries to support system functionality.
  • Used Team Studio and Build Manager tools to develop Notes applications and promote the new design to test environment.
  • Collaboration with team members design, analysis, coding, testing and review website.
  • Coordinated with the business on User Acceptance Tests (UAT) and to get the approval from business on the design changes.

ENVIRONMENT: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Web 2.0, Agile, Adobe Photoshop, Bootstrap, Ajax, JSON, JQuery, XML, XHTML, Angular Js and react JS.

Confidential, Denver

UI Developer


  • 使用HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery和Angular JS开发应用程序.
  • 负责整体布局设计, 使用HTML5的网站配色方案, XHTML and CSS3 and Responsible for creating detailed wire frames and process flows.
  • Developed different JQuery component in MVC micro architecture framework which internally use various design pattern such as singleton, command, delegate, etc.
  • Developed UI using HTML5, CSS3, Ext.js, Bootstrap, JQuery, JSP用于交互跨浏览器功能和复杂的用户界面.
  • 参与Web2的设计和实现.0 Rich UI for the Self-service Application using JQuery Ajax framework and Widget based JavaScript programmed model.
  • 开发HTML原型和UI交付物, such as wireframes, flowcharts, screen mock-ups, and interface design specifications.
  • Designated UI architecture for the internal web application and worked with designers to constructs conceptual Wireframes and Mockups.
  • 使用面向对象的JavaScript框架(如Angular)设计前端.js
  • 使用Twitter Bootstrap, Angular Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3进行布局和设计.
  • 致力于响应式设计的原型.
  • Used Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flex for implementing application and designing graphics and images.
  • 编写大量HTML、CSS和JavaScript代码,使用Eclipse构建动态页面
  • 设计基于DOM的交互,对选定的链接进行重编程,采用WCAG 2.HTML和XHTML的0标准以及CSS的W3C标准.
  • Worked upon the dashboard for the project which contained a variety of charts and drag gable components using JQUERY UI Library.
  • 使用AJAX实现客户注册的部分功能, View Customer information modules.
  • 使用各种JQuery和Bootstrap插件,如日期选择器,Bootstrap选择等.
  • 使用敏捷方法进行软件开发.

ENVIRONMENT: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, JSP, Bootstrap, JSON, AJAX


Front-End Developer


  • Developed an order processing system primarily using HTML, CSS, JQuery, Backbone and Bootstrap.
  • Involved in development, design and implementation of front end part of application.
  • Developed complex, usable, 吸引人的和跨浏览器的网页界面,说明速度, file size, readability and accessibility
  • 使用Ajax成功实现自动完成/自动建议功能, JQuery, Web Service call and JSON.
  • Developed the User Interactive web pages in a professional manner with using web technologies like HTML, CSS, Java Script, JQuery and AJAX.
  • Responsible to manipulate HTML5, JQuery中的CSS3,以及使用AJAX使页面动态, JSON and XML
  • 创建的HTML导航菜单是基于角色的菜单项动态更改的, 以XML的形式从数据库中派生
  • Utilized various JQUERY plug-ins to build Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make it look more intuitive.
  • Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML5, XHTML, and CSS3.
  • Used JQuery plug-ins auto complete, validation, 并使用JQuery模板进行标记.
  • 使用Ajax、JSON和JQuery进行请求数据和响应处理.
  • 开发程序将xml数据移植到数据库中,实现网站的xml驱动.
  • Involved in configuring the Git repository and maintain the version control using Git. Discussed various ideas/suggestions for the ongoing web sites regarding the page layout and creative design.

Environment: JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, Ajax, HTML5, CSS2, CSS3, Git, grunt MySQL, Windows, Agile Development, Note Pad++.


UI Developer


  • 使用html, CSS和JavaScript设计Web应用程序的布局和表单.
  • 处理所有客户端验证, slide show, hide and show controls, 下拉菜单和标签导航使用jquery.
  • Responsible for transforming design mock-ups to W3C standards compliant HTML pages using HTML, XHTML, CSS.
  • Wrote code to fetch data from Web services usingJQUERY AJAX via JSONresponse and updating the HTML pages.
  • 将PSD模型转换为纯手写的HTML和CSS页面.
  • 为网站中的AJAX实现编写脚本.
  • 执行从值对象到XML和从XML到HTML数据的XML转换.
  • Designed and developed views, controller and model components implementing Struts Framework.
  • 为反复出现的问题实现的设计模式.
  • Developed Web Services, which are published on to the Web sphere application server.
  • 负责互联网站点和应用程序的设计过程.
  • Used Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) in web pages to separate presentation from structure

ENVIRONMENT: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Libraries: JQuery), Java, AJAX, JSON, XML, J2EE, Java/JDK, JSP.

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