
Scrum Master /项目经理简历

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Operating systems: 微软Windows,苹果OS和iOS,谷歌Android和Linux.

Microsoft Office (2019) suite: 团队,Outlook, Word, Excel, Visio, Project, PowerPoint, Publisher等.

微软集成开发环境(IDE) Visual Studio (2019), SQL Server Management Studio (2018), Azure (Cloud Management), Azure DevOps and Azure Data Studio.

Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, acrobatpro, Illustrator, InDesign等.

Development tools: LinqPad, browser Dev Tools (F5), 互联网资讯服务(IIS / IIS Express), Postman, DevExpress CodeRush, CodeMaid, Redgate SQL Toolbelt, Telerik Fiddler/JustMock, Linter and PowerShell.

建模,制图,线框和原型设计软件; 企业架构师,ARIS, Balsamiq, iRise等.

应用生命周期管理软件: Azure DevOps, LeanKit, CA Agile和HP ALM.

云和虚拟服务器管理软件: Azure, AWS, CHEF, cPanel和各种其他服务

Data platforms: Pentaho数据集成,红木调度,BizTalk处理,水晶报告和更多.





  • SOLID design principles, 干净的编码和干净的架构实践, proper refactoring techniques, 而单元测试对代码覆盖率的影响产生了很好的代码度量和可组合性, maintainable, extensible and testable codebase.
  • Cloud deployed and locally hosted solutions using organized architectural patterns for application segmentation and containerization; layers include client presentation, 对象处理(域和实体), data handing and data access, stored procedures, test projects, 应用程序编程接口, 提取/转换/加载过程(ETL).
  • Frameworks: Microsoft .NET Core (3.1), ASP.Net Core (MVC Razor), .Net Framework (4.8) and ADO.Net.
  • 系统接口:RESTful api和旧的SFTP文件传输.
  • Web技术:Bootstrap, Font Awesome, interaction, Popper, SignalR, jQWidgets, UTM.
  • Language experience: C# 8, LINQ, HTML 5, CSS 3/SCSS/SASS, JavaScript/ECMAScript, XPath, selectors/pseudo selectors, SVG, jQuery, Node.. js, JSON, Python 2/3, T-SQL和PLSQL.
  • 关系(和平面)数据库管理:表编辑, data types, stored procedures, queries, views, triggers, full-text indexing, 以及用于更改的过程脚本, updates, inserts and more.
  • 用户界面和用户体验(ux)设计美观和功能的用户界面, 详细和复杂的流程工作流程, responsive/progressive behaviors, and accessibility compliance.

SCRUM Master / Project Manager



  • 迭代的持续开发和交付(CI/CD), sprint planning, 通过敏捷SCRUM促进任务执行和持续改进.
  • 使用史诗来管理Backlog和sprint板, features, user stories, tasks, bug和其他工作项来组织和管理团队工作量和工作流.
  • 团队监督和领导:指导, communications, delegation, negotiation, motivation and support activities.
  • 确定项目范围、规模、复杂性和章程定义.
  • Creating and managing budgets, schedules, timelines, estimations, contingency plans, Gantt and burn down charts.
  • 进行包括资源在内的项目监督, finances, facilitation, utilization, risk management and procurement.

Business Analyst



  • Identification, shaping, 记录和管理业务发起人和利益相关者的需求, business rules, transitional requirements, 非功能需求和解决方案需求.
  • 启发活动:观察, interviews, focus groups, stakeholder analysis, surveys, 研讨会(联合应用程序设计/联合应用程序需求)和结构化演练.
  • 分析活动:历史工件分解, 优势/劣势/机会/威胁(SWOT)分析, root cause analysis, prioritization, risk identification/mitigation, 功能分解和供应商评估.
  • 生成过程和系统图,包括业务过程建模和符号(BPMN V2), 各种通用建模语言(UML)图, mind mapping and much more.
  • 系统间和系统内集成以及相关数据建模(包括数据域)的文档和规范, data dictionary, and data flow artifacts.
  • 用户与系统交互和功能建模(包括场景)的文档和规范, use cases, and user stories.
  • 通过原型设计用户界面和体验(UIX), 线框图和模型,包括标准, advanced and custom control sets, CSS and SVG, and custom graphical elements
  • 解决方案部署活动的变更管理(ADKAR模型),包括文档, communication, training, and supporting applications, services, policies, processes and procedures.
  • 行业经验包括教育背景, insurance, utilities, engineering, construction, technology, retail, 具有人力资源业务领域知识的服务和非营利行业, finance, regulation, contracts, supply chain, procurement, travel services, facilities, business support, information technology and more.

Quality Analyst



  • 使用MS Unit, xUnit和QUnit框架在c#和JavaScript中编写单元测试代码.
  • 使用Web测试和负载测试配置和执行测试自动化, and third party software.
  • 生成和组织测试策略,测试计划,测试场景和测试用例材料.
  • 执行手工测试执行,包括缺陷识别, reporting, 跟踪和解决活动.
  • 协调QA工作,以执行递归和可重复的手动用户验收测试(UAT)工作.




  • 平面设计,插画(漫画家)和3D设计师/建模师
  • 具有建筑、机械、电气、结构和工业设计方面的专业背景.
  • 各种视觉组合的视觉, 系统和工业设计项目可根据要求提供.

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