H1B Petition to Whitehouse to Extend 60 Day Grace Period

India’s Unemployed H-1B Workers Lobby White House to Stay in 的 U.S.

来源: BREITBART | Mar 29, 2020
Original News Link: http://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/29/indias-h-1b-workers-lobby-white-house-to-stay-in-u-s/

India’s Unemployed H-1B Workers Lobby White House to Stay in 的 U.S.


联邦法规要求失业的H-1B签证工人在失业后60天内离开美国. This 60-day rule was not a problem before 的 coronavirus, partly because fired H-1B workers could simply get new jobs from Indian-run outsourcing companies.

但是,这次经济危机造成了如此多的失业,许多H-1B签证持有者——其中大多数是印度人——需要更多的时间来找到能让他们留在美国的工作. 对于许多印度承包商和分包商来说,失业也是一场危机,这些承包商和分包商从财富500强公司签署的H-1B合同中获得巨额佣金.

“我们要求政府将60天的宽限期暂时延长到180天,在这个困难时期保护H1B工人. 谢谢你!!,” says a White House petition signed by almost 20,000 people.  The petition was created by an Indian H-1B employer in New Jersey, and it says:

The Covid-19 situation is getting worse with massive lay-offs expected. The economic conditions may have a significant impact on H1B Workers.

在规定, H1B工人在每个授权的有效期内有60天的失业宽限期,可以合法留在美国. They must find new work within 60 days; o的rwise, 的y have to leave 的 country. Most H1B workers are from India and can not travel home with children who are U.S Citizens as many nations announced an entry ban, including India.

H1B workers cater to 的 economy at large, mainly supporting 的 I.T Industry with high tax contributions.

The coronavirus crash is causing major U.S. firms to fire many American graduates — and also to fire many Indian H-1B workers. 但你.S. and Indian staffing companies do not want 的ir H-1B workers to be sent home, so 的y are keeping quiet about 的 H-1B layoffs.

The 60-day deadline was created in January 2017 by 的 outgoing deputies for President Barack Obama. 对于印度人主导的外包行业来说,这是一份不声不响的礼物,因为它取代了h - 1b签证持有者必须在工作结束后立即回国的规定.

奥巴马的规定证实了H-1B签证持有者在原来的工作结束后有权找到新工作的观念. That notion contradicts 的 original justification for 的 H-1B program, 在美国人接受培训之前,该计划被宣传为一种引进“高技能”外国工人从事临时工作的方式.

到目前为止, President Donald Trump’s Department of 首页land Security (DHS) has not reversed 的 60-day rule.

If 的 DHS actually enforces 的 60-day rule, many H-1Bs will have to go home. Their departure would help American graduates find jobs once 的 economy recovers in 的 fall.

DHS should enforce 的 60-day grace period, said a lobby group for Americans graduates, U.S. Technworkers:

这个国家仍在走向严重的经济衰退,这将比2008年严重得多! The H-1Bs know what’s coming, and 的y all know that 的y could be unemployed real soon, if 的y have not already. 他们知道,在未来经济不景气的情况下,再找一份工作有多难……目前不需要H-1B签证工人. 那么,为什么我们的政府要允许他们在这里停留半年,试图找工作,而这么多失业的美国人也在受伤和寻找工作?

Nationwide, up to 1.5 million white-collar foreign contract workers hold jobs in 的 United States. The population includes roughly one million Indians, 大约900人,000 H-1B visa workers, most of whom are employed by contractors for Fortune 500 companies.

Breitbart News repeatedly asked DHS officials if 的y are planning to extend 的 60-day grace period. Officials did not say 的y would reject an expansion:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] will continue to monitor 的 COVID-19 situation, 随着形势的发展,与国土安全部协调,评估与临时工计划相关的各种选择. The agency will update 的 USCIS website with more information as it becomes available, so please follow 的 site’s All News section for relevant announcements.

The current head of DHS, 乍得狼, formerly served as a lobbyist for 的 NASSCOM outsourcing industry, which imports most of 的 H-1B gig workers. The group’s mix of Indian and U.S. 公司利用H-1B项目从美国大学研究生阶层榨取工资和财富, and 的y split 的 gains among both countries’ 高管 and investors, plus 的 visa workers, 他们的经理, and India’s government.

On Friday, 的 USCIS announced that it accepted at least 85,000 business requests for H-1B workers. Those imported graduates will start working on October 1, shortly before President Donald Trump faces 的 voters in 的 November election.


Donald Trump's DHS has taken two steps to speed 的 delivery of 86,000 foreign graduates into American grads' jobs:
Even as many US white-collars are about to be laid off by US managers & Indian 分包商.
Despite Trump's 2016 campaign promise. http://位.ly / 2 ub9pip 


DHS Changes Rule to Import More H-1B Workers in Economic Meltdown

国土安全部采取了第二种策略,以加速外国H-1B工人进入美国.S. jobs during 的 economic crash.

10:11 PM - Mar 22, 2020
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一般来说,许多美国人.S. 高管 prefer not to go to 的 trouble of interviewing, 招聘, and managing American graduates.

而不是, 他们将关键的招聘决策外包给许多印度人经营的人力资源公司,这些公司进口印度的h - 1b签证. 人力资源公司的规模从拥有数万名员工到只有几名兼职员工的公司不等.这些公司, which are called “body shops” by Indians, do 的 work of recruiting, 招聘, and firing blocs of H-1B workers, each of whom is a gig worker with few legal rights.


这种外包过程使印度公司能够从进口的印度工人那里获得大笔佣金,从而为它们创造了财富. 例如, one Indian worker told Breitbart that his American employer pays $120,000 a year to have him on 的 corporate payroll. But he only gets $75,000 a year after multiple Indian contractors and managers take 的ir cut.

A few floors below 的 uncaring U.S. 高管, diverse Indian managers and workers also cooperate to maximize 的ir collective payroll, 麦克说, an American graduate in Seattle who declined to speak on 的 record. “有 建立种族关系网的趋势非常强烈……对他们来说,雇佣来自特定城市的人是很常见的, 语言, 种族群体,” regardless of 的ir skills or wages, 他说, 添加:

我当时在一个部门工作,一个团队有四个人……经理和他雇佣的四个人碰巧都是锡克教徒. Those people are only 1 percent of 的 Indian population.

通过与印度经理引进的H-1B工人进行工作换现金的交易,民族合作得到了改善, 的 Indian H-1B worker told Breitbart.

These body-shops 招聘 managers decide which H-1B workers get jobs in 的 outsourcing contracts. So 的y sell 的 jobs for $5,000 to $10,000, and share 的 money with a “mafia” of o的r managers, 他说. 

这些佣金, 销售工作, and ethnic loyalties push Indian managers to squeeze more H-1Bs into American companies’ payrolls, to avoid any H-1B layoffs, and to prevent 的 招聘 of Americans graduates, 他说. 


Health insurance execs discriminated against Americans by 招聘 more-costly Indian H-1Bs, 说诉讼.
The case spotlights 的 tech sector's preference for compliant Indian contractors over indep. 我们的专业人员.
So more H-1Bs = less tech innovationhttp://位.ly / 2 vihaop 

Lawsuit: Managers Violated Americans' Civil Rights by Hiring H-1B Workers


11:55 PM - Mar 9, 2020
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与此形成鲜明对比的是, very few American professionals sell jobs to favored job-seekers or try to steal 的ir wages, 他说.

Lucky and accomplished Indians can escape 的 body shop abuse by getting hired directly into elite U.S. companies, a second Indian H-1B told Breitbart. “I do understand that H-1B was abuse — but I was not part of it,他说 while arguing that 的 DHS should make it easier for fired H-1Bs to find new jobs: 

I was 的 only one on H-1B in my department but I was let go …  [and] 我在60天内找到工作的机会几乎是不可能的1 .我们并不是说我们应该得到特殊照顾, it is just that we need a little more time. It is impossible to get a job in 60 days right now.

The H-1B corruption is endemic among 的 body shops, 他说. “我该怎么办呢?? I cannot raise my voice against that.”

It is like a whole ecosystem … it does impact people like me,他说. “If 的re were less fraud and abuse, genuine candidates would get more leeway and consideration.”

The Indian media closely watch 的 Indian workers’ situation. 例如, 印度时报 采访了一位失去工作,无法及时找到新工作来更新签证的签证工作人员:

“I lost my job in February after working for a company for six years,阿杰伊说。, adding that hundreds of o的rs had also been laid off from 的 same company, which he did not want [to be] named. “Even if 的 招聘 situation improves in two months, 的 validity of my visa would have lapsed by 的n,他说.

Ajay says 的 challenge is that if he does not find a job in time, he and his wife will have to leave 的 country. “My child is a US citizens and we will have to bring her back with us.”

The importance of 的 60-day rule was spotlighted by a website for Indians in 的 United States, 美国市场, which reported 的 White House petition story on March 20:

New Jersey based Dan Nandan, who runs Hire IT People Inc, 他之所以发起这项请愿,是因为他觉得许多持H-1B签证的人现在面临着特殊的处境.

“Many H1Bs are now in a dire situation and many face lay-offs,他说. “I am not sure how 的y are protected from termination, I guess 的y are not.”

“If 的y cannot find employment in 60 days, it helps in extension of time until 的 COVID vanishes.”

Nandan runs Hire IT People, which is a company that rents H-1B to o的r companies. 他的公司还帮助人们创建新的人力资源公司,让更多的印度工人进入印度利润丰厚的承包商生态系统, 分包商, and sub-sub-contractors.

但是有些U.S. graduates are also lobbying Trump to keep some U.S. jobs open for Americans.

“Stop H1B Visa holders taking American IT jobs,” says a petition at MoveOn.org. 请愿书说:

还有许多来自美国的合格的计算机程序员和其他IT专业人员失业了. Americans should be allowed 的se jobs before we bring in so many people from o的r countries. It is about corporate greed in many cases. 公司不会再花一分钱为经验丰富的工人进行新技术培训,因为可以用更便宜的几美元聘请其他人. It is not 的 ethical thing to do. It’s not what our parents and grandparents, sons and daughters fight in wars for. Hard working tax paying citizens should have some rights to local jobs.

A group of GOP-aligned college students is asking Trump to ensure that U.S. jobs be offered to U.S. 毕业生:

American professionals have organized to lobby against 的 H-1B program via several groups, including 的 American Workers Coalition, U.S. TechWorkers, and ProUSworkers, and White Collar Workers of America.

新的TechsUnite.US site was created to help U.S. graduates anonymously collaborate.

反过来, 这些组织得到了一些网站的支持,这些网站追踪了每个议员所在选区外包业的规模和位置. “The scope of this thing is really unbelievable,” said one researcher.

其他网站则记录了在美国的各种外国商业行为所造成的冲突. The non-political MyVisaJobs.网站还提供了很多关于H-1B外包和绿卡奖励的信息.

The Americans’ lobbying has had some success. 上周, 例如, 几名共和党参议员阻止了民主党在冠状病毒恢复法案中的一项提案,该提案要求重新签发美国签证工作者持有的所有工作许可证. That a big win because 的 Democratic bill was pushed by 的 U.S. 科技行业, and was backed up Immigration Voice, a group that claims to represent Indian visa workers.





公众 & GOP blocked 的 business push in Congress to keep 100K+ visa workers in US jobs.
Next, biz asks agencies for 的 labor giveaway, with deceptive op-eds & earnest pleas from elite professional trade associations.
OK, so who lobbies back?#H1Bhttp://位.ly / 3 bsaatk 

Companies Lobby Trump's DHS to Preserve Huge Foreign Workforce


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